Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The oddity of life

aka - On another subject all together...

I still wonder about my parents. They never followed up. They havn't tried even once to contact me, or anything. And I don't know how to feel about that.

On one hand, I could be glad that I don't have to work as hard to ignore them. And it does validate the Button Parental Doctrine ('They F***ing SUCK!").

On the other hand... Seriously!? How do you not even respond? What. The. Fuck. ?. Your only son tells you that you broke his heart and he doesn't want to be around you... and you don't even acknowledge it.... fight for him... apoligize... rationalize... argue... something...

On the third hand, do they see me (or more likely Button) as the evil one, doing the wrong? Yes, I'm sure that my mom does. And my dad has the backbone of a weekling amoeba... (ok, I can spell amoeba but not dilema?)

I dunno... I'm confused.

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