Monday, January 14, 2008

Day one.. all over again

So, this is semester the second. Already off to a brighter and better future than Semester The First did.

Chem Lab - Got Nate as a lab partner. Our TA has the awesomest african accent. This should be a really fun class.

Chem 121a - The freaking lecture hall was packed. I mean, just packed. This also looks like a good class, although its going to be a total repackage of what I just got done with last semester, but whatevs.

Pols 112 - I am equal parts looking forward to and dreading this class. Parts of it are going to freaking drag for me as total over-recall, and some is going to be cool. I like my teacher, he seems really interested and dynamic.

So now I'm waiting for Math.

So far, so good. Only philosophy tomorrow to go for new classes after this.

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