Wednesday, October 4, 2006

A fresh start.. ...or the horrid continuation...

So, heres the thing... I love to learn. I love knowledge. I love to try to wrap my brain around things, learn the hows and whys of the world at large. And I love my job. I love working at the Phram, and helping people. When I took it, I didnt really know what I was taking on, just that I was so very fucking bored in photo. But the more I'm in The Phram, the more I like it.

And I want to do more. I regret not finishing college, even if it was fucking Robert Morris. I resent paying my student loans, since I'm paying for a net of nothing. And it irks me that whereever I go, I'll be pre-judged for not sticking it out finacially and testicularly and gotten a degree when I meet college kids daily that are dumber than a fucking box of rocks.

And whats more, I watch the RpH's at work. I could do it. Not now, I mean, but I could be a pharmacist. I want to be one. And thats the problem... How?

I've thought a lot about going back to school. How to pay for it, how to find a way to work, go to school, do homework, and still spend time with Button.

So now we've talked about it, and we're looking into it. But good god... SIX years of school. When/if I start classes next year, I'll be 26. I'd graduate with a PharmD when I'm 32. In 2013. We could do it. It'd be very rough for at least the first two years, when we'd both be in school. If Button graduates with her masters in 2008 and starts working full time, that'd make it easier for me to do it...

And I havnt been to school since 99? 2000? 5-6 years... amazing how fast its gone by.

All in all, I'm scared. Really and truly scared. But I want this, and it'd be good for me. For my family, now, and in the future. So I guess I'm going to be suffering for a while to come.

Wish me luck...

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