Tuesday, February 12, 2008

School Updates

Button List Style:

-I'm sitting in Philosophy, which I was really excited about, till I got here. The class doesn't have a lot of meat on its bones, so to speak. And really nothing to actually *discuss*. ITs all definitions, and then how they reach those thoughts. There's nothing to think about, and nothing to discuss. So I suppose thats the problem with why the class doesn't discuss anything.. There doesn't seem much to actually discuss. I'd love to have Dr. Littman in another class, to see how it goes there. I dunno...

-I got an 96 on my Precalc test! Whooo! Hoo! I got a A on my Chem test, after the curve, but I ran out of time, which is why there was a curse, so sweet deal. Would have had an perfect on the PRecalc if I'd just paid a bit more attention. Dammit!

-ITs freaking cold out.

- My Chem lab is going ok, but I am slowly coming to really dislike Dennis the TA. Grrr...

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