Saturday, December 6, 2008


So I, being the google fanatic I am, set up my Google Health profile last night.  Plug in my information, link it to the prescriptions I've gotten at WAG, and .. well, thats all, really.  But then I'm playing with it today because it finally linked my prescription history to the site, and I notice they've ever so helpfully calculated my BMI for me.  Oh.  Yay.  42.6.  

So anyways, I have got to do better.  For the non-existant kids I may never have.  For my very existant wife, who I want to spend as much time as I can with.  And for myself, I suppose.  I need to find a path to doing this.  I will do it.  Somehow.

So my plan is this: 1) Begin to plan meals, and my life.  Running late is making poor choices.  I need to start getting up earlier and planning my life better.  This will actually make my life better all around better.  2) I need to give up soda again.   3) I will find a way to begin using the rec and excersisng.  See Section 1.  4) I can do this.

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