Sunday, October 14, 2007

Happy Birfday?

So its my birthday.

It seems so odd to think that its my birthday. I'm suddenly 27? I think part of my problem with birthdays is that they are so intangible. Its hard to perceive how I went to bed 26 and woke up 27? I don't feel older (well, actually, my knee's were soooo sore yesterday. I'm so old. :'( ) and nothing has really changed from yesterday.

I guess Icant recall really celebrating birthdays when I was growing up. I dont recall what all we did, and I dont think we did much. I always had mom make a cherry crunch (almost like a n uniced danish, I suppose), and ... I dunno, I think Grandma and Grandpa would take us out to dinner for mom and my birthday. And I always felt then that that was too much. I've always avoided celebrating me, I dont like the attention, I suppose. I often feel bad because I know I disappoint Button, who works so hard on these birthdays with my lack of enthusiasm, but somehow in the end, she always ends up giving me some of her excitement at my birthday.

Which is why she's the most amazing person ever.

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