Its amazing how you sometimes think about things, and how they can mark the milestones of your life. I often find myself looking through our (sign of the modern times and all) iTunes purchased playlist, and I always look through the songs, and the memories they bring back. Its sometimes somber, sometimes deliriously happy or just mush-ily cute. But its always us, for better or worse, and the memories are always amazing. Its a rich history we have already, and I cant imagine it any other way...
Accidently in love, Are you gonna be my girl - The begining of that magical summer of love. The summer without drama, when everything was new and awkward and indescribably perfect. We had no idea of the future to come because the present was so amazing. The Sangamon County Fair, The computers in the basement, grilling, and all those movies. Staying up way to late just holding each other.
She will be loved, With you - Summer waning, Button leaving for Californiacation Trip 2, Watchng her plane take off, Waiting for her to come back, The state fair.
I'll be seeing you - The Notebook, Button going to college
Days go by, My happy ending - Decatur. Crum. Him. Drama. So much unnessicary drama. Saddness.
Vienna, Riverwide - Depression. Why Button bought Riverwide is beyond me since I had it. Decatur in the rain, Walgreens in the background, oh the eerie premonition...
California - Button discovers the OC. Our TV habits never recover.
Sharp Dressed Man - Christmas '04. The deepest dark hole I ever remember being in. The new Apt.
Wonderful Tonight - Valentines '05. The best look of surprise on Button's face... Ever.
Forever Young - "...win or lose..." Laughing with the love of my life...
Dancing with Myself - Lucy. This is still Lucy's favorite song.
Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves - Cher with Sara. THE DRIVE THAT WOULD NOT END.
Holiday, Blvd of Broken Dreams, Honkytonk U - TVD retakes control of the musical selection... for better or worse.
Making Memories of Us - Picking Button up from Lantz, surprising her with this song. Spring '05...
These Boots are made for Walking - Summer '05 - Bike rides, laughter, SWIMMING, The Dukes of Hazzard, grilling...
Hollaback Girl - Pancake Sunday. I hear this song and I think of pancake sunday. And 867-5309.
You and Me - Button comes home to me. Fall Semestyer begins for her. Fall. Our birthdays.
Rock and Roll Queen - OC Season 3 - DRAMA!
I walk the Line/Ring of Fire - Walk the line. Cooning with Button at the theatre.
Anything but Mine - January '06 - The begining of the Hell Semester, The New Apt
Always on Your Side - Our 2nd Anniversary. Jimmy Johns in coon. The perfect anniversary, really.
You're Beautiful - Late night Wal-Mart Trips.
I love you Baby.