Thursday, December 31, 2009

[Godless Blogger]

Reflections on another year gone by...

I have spent the past few months trying to steady myself out (ok, thats a lie, I spent it wallowing in self pity and despair).  In all sense of reckoning, this year has sucked.  And I truly had a moment of .. pause.. I guess is the best term.  I paused.  You ever walk, and for whatever reason your leg doesn't respond like it should, and you miss a step.  Thats what I had happen.  It was and is a painful, raw feeling.

But I suppose like most forms of grieving, mine is following the standard five steps, etc.  I was certainly in denial for a while.  And then anger took root, and I was angry.  Thought that was short lived.  The depression certainly took me to new levels of.. stupidity.  I think somewhere around the denial and anger was a bit of bargaining.  I'm not going to pretend I've accepted it, but I've realized I need to move on with my life.  And I suppose one day I'll accept what has happened to my life.
